-Name: Adrian
Ign: TheSmellyPoo
Age: 12
TimeZone: Cuurently i'm vacationing in Hong Kong until the end of this week so it's GMT +8 until Thursday. Then, it's EST in the US
Have you been a GameMaster before: I have never been a Game Master before, but usually i'm very close to the Game Masters, and have been allowed the priviledge of overlooking their events. I think if I remember correctly, one GM let me hold an event. Otherwise, I hold a lot of player events.(Player events are when Players hold events)
Why do you think we should pick you: You should pick me because I have a lot of bright ideas for this server. Also, I look at both sides of an arguement. Furthermore, you should pick me because i will try my absolute best to make this server a fun and safe place for everybody. Lastly, I'll be able to assist the admins/owner with their lines of work whenever they ask me to.
How long have you been playing ShockMS: Just 2 days, but I already love this server.
How long do you play a day on ShockMS Well, since i've only been playing for two days, and i'm on vacation so I have a lot of computer time, it would be practically useless to tell you the truth of this, which is probably an average ov 8 hrs
What will you do if you see someone breaking the rules: Obviously, I would first take an SS of the person that's breaking the rules. Then, if I don't get accepted as a high level GM, I want alert the admin or SuperGM of the person who is breaking the rules.
Tell us a little about yourself: I used to be in a basketball league, baseball team, and I remember slightly about playing in a tennis league. Other than that, I love swimming, badminton, and football. I'm also age 12, and I absolutely love to eat chocolates ^^
Thank you for taking the time to read this.